
Mentoring is Not Like Ordering Pizza

08 Dec 2015

On Mentoring

I’ve realised as generations change, the concept of mentoring and leveraging mentors has taken a sharper, yet cut and dry turn. Mentors are leveraged for specific skill, specific product, specific issue, in short, almost like going to an MD doctor, i.e. when we see a specialist.

But at times, Mentees treat the mentor like dialing for Pizza when hungry ; it will be delivered hot, when I want and taste as I like.

True Mentoring, is and was always wholistic, with or without the specialisation ; a mentor thinks about the person enough to think about the issue and a direction ; care and concern for the mentee.

Mentoring is not Pizza ; it can come to you when you ask for it, but also when a mentor feels your appetite needs whetting. It may not always taste great, because a true mentor will share some bitter and some sweet, show you the mirror, and then help you look better too.

A lot of success in a mentoring relationship is built on trust and honesty ; honest sharing of issue, honest efforts by mentee and honest feedback and guidance.

A mentor is not your best friend who is there to say things that make you feel better. He’s there to tell you what’s not right, push you to think why and how you can be better. It is two way street.

In a world where everything has moved to “On Demand” I hope human relationships don’t.

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